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  • New SAM-Iintegration is complete, the wait is over 라는 군요.
  • https://sam.gov/content/home

     The integration is complete, the wait is over

    모든 게시물들은 SAM.gov에 있으며, 전체적으로 내용상으로도 형식상으로도

    많이 바뀌지는 않았습니다.

    After continued hard work, incorporating user feedback and helpful suggestions from stakeholders, the integration of SAM.gov and beta.SAM.gov is here. All of the content from both sites is now found at SAM.gov.

    Overall, you can expect much of the same functionality in the new SAM.gov that you experienced in SAM.gov. Some things are changing, but a whole lot is staying the same.

    For example, when searching data in the new environment, the design looks different, but the data and the search filters remain the same. The entity registration process and requirements  stayed the same, as well as registration data entry pages. You search exclusions or the Disaster Response Registry the same way. 

    Entity data and roles have been transferred to the new SAM.gov environment. Entity registration and exclusions data, SAM user roles, Service Contract reporting data, and BioPreferred reporting data migrated. Expiration dates of entity registrations remain the same. 

    Both legacy SAM.gov and the new environment use login.gov for signing in to your user account. Use your SAM.gov login.gov credentials after the migration to access your data and roles. If you need assistance with your SAM.gov account or have other technical issues, go to the Federal Service Desk at FSD.gov to search the Knowledge Base for frequently asked questions or get in touch with a help desk agent.

번호 제목 등록일 
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